My Work
This is where the learning commenced and an accumulation of the things I have learned from these two classes over my 8-week course, from coding in the Linux shell as well as coding to putting together my at-home security system through Arduino take a look and see what you think.
Introduction to Technology and Information Systems
I had a lot of fun in this class with the introduction to IoT learning and developing my own small scale version of something that impacts our daily lives.
Introduction to Operating Systems
This class was also a lot of fun coding and playing around with Linux and
re-learning things I've forgotten and also new things with the evolution of Unix.
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
~Vincent Van Gogh~
Introduction to Programming
In this class delving into the matrix so to speak or behind the wizard's curtain to learn the basics and fundamentals that make getting into programming fun with Python.
Introduction to Digital Devices
Now this class is one of my favorites so far
we got to delve deeper into what we learned earlier in the year with IoT devices and do a lot more programming and coding and developed a small scale multi-light with crosswalk and controller traffic signal, very cool!.
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing!. This class did not leave anything behind, it was quite challenging even with having some pre-existing knowledge of Virtual machines, but diving deeper into NSG and Storage creating and Permission and Alert setup systems was fun in the end.
Fundamentals of Information System Security
Going into this class I did not know what to expect, but I was very excited about being able to start delving into the CyberSecurity part of my Degree learning, it turned out to be an enjoyable and informative class, as I feel like I say about all my classes but that goes to show how much I enjoy this field, having the opportunity to learn the basics of what will become the foundation of my career I can't say enough about it.
Wired, Optical & Wireless Communications
Overall, this class was moderately intriguing, Tho met with many challenges with the vendor systems we were using that caused quite a bit of anguish and inconsistency for the dynamic of the class, also it being my first class with no live sessions was an adjustment as well, but the material and the subject matter itself was not bad and piggybacked on previous classes around networking and security as well. So, it will help other students move forward on their path.